Daniel Villar Onrubia

I work as Principal Innovation Lead at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab (Coventry University), with a special focus on Digital Fluency, Open Knowledge and Networked Learning.

I was born in beautiful Seville (Spain) and moved to the UK about a decade ago.

After completing my DPhil (PhD) at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), I joined Coventry University as Online International Learning Programme Manager in 2014. Prior to moving to the UK, I worked at the International University of Andalucia (Spain), where I was one of the founders of its Digital Practices & Cultures Programme and its Centre for Creation & Experimentation in Digital Content.

I am co-chairing the OER20 Conference, co-directed the Learning on/with the Open Web Conference in 2018 and have been involved in a number of EU-funded projects in the field of Open Education. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Mozilla Open Leaders alumnus (5th cohort) and a member of the Advisory Board of the Open Education Working Group.

I am interested in the social and cultural implications of information and communication technologies and the role of the Internet and computerisation in everyday life. I also have experience in the fields of visual culture, photography, arts and design.